The cash for clunkers program is a fraud.Unsuprisingly the Federal Government is again proving itself a liar to the people.Already in America there exsists suspicion toward the ever increasing consolidation of power under the current administration.The fraud committed in context of the ponzi scheme labeled Cash for Clunkers is not intended to stimulate the economy,nor is it to help out the American People the single focus of the cash for cl...
Since the election of Barak Obama the availibility of both firearms and ammunition has diminished with back orders and simply waiting for ammunition and firearms to arrive at retail outlets.The speculation is the bulk of ammunition is being transferred to the military but this does not explain the abscence of firearms.Others claim that an increased demand for both(guns&ammo)is creatin...
Under the continued silence following President Obama's removal of Rick Wagner former head of General Motors,allies outside the recognized power structure have begun to mobilize.The Service Employees International Unoin,(SEIU),the Nation's fastest growing Labor Union has called for the resignation(firing) of Ken Lewis,CEO of Bank of America.Apparently the individuals whom have organized this effort claim that since Bank of America has "taken" capit...