Since the election of Barak Obama the availibility of both firearms and ammunition has diminished with back orders and simply waiting for ammunition and firearms to arrive at retail outlets.The speculation is the bulk of ammunition is being transferred to the military but this does not explain the abscence of firearms.Others claim that an increased demand for both(guns&ammo)is creating the backlog impacting the availibility of said items.The underlying question remains why the sudden increase in demand?Is there an unspoken fear or doubt as to the stability of our Nation?Does the public at large fear the Obama Administration will outlaw firearm posession,perhaps even attempt to confiscate firearms?Is the faltering economy driving the purchase of firearms and ammunition?The "shortages" not only apply to the purchase of manufactured ammunition but to reloading supplies,including casings("Brass"),primers and component bullets,which can be back ordered but again the time frame is undetermined.
Are the "whacky" conspiracy theories of U.N. domination founded?Is the New World Order taking power from the citizens of this and other Nations?In the abscence of the ability to defend oneself will the criminals begin to run wild in the streets victimizing people as they see fit?Is this an attempt by the "Ruling Elite" to disarm the public?Imagine the legislation that would come from Washington in the void of an unarmed public.In the wee hours of the morning(or evening)those in power must consider the threat an armed and angry populace could present in the face of some legislative decisions.(DISCLAIMER:THIS POSTING DOES NOT NOR DOES IT ENCOURAGE THE CONCEPT OR IDEA OF ANY ARMED INSURRECTION AGAINST PAST,CURRENT OR FUTURE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.).
In the current circumstance,as the economy mayor may not recover swiftly,the shortage of ammunition and the lack of availibility of firearms;many persons by choice or circumstance will sell their firearms through consignment,private party transfer or through other avenues.Consider this,the children are hungry,the bills are piling up,perhaps the employment situation is less than optimal.The related lack of money under these circumstances could be alleviated,temporarily,through the sale of a firearm.Under the current market condition this does present the very real possibility of a "quick sale",especially for any semiautomatic firearm.
The first step of all tyrants is to disarm the people,in fact it was the Taliban that claimed it did more for "peace" in Afghanistan through the policy of disarmament.During the opening days of the American Revolutionary War,British Authorities did implement arms confiscation including the registration of gun owners.In efforts to further this program British Authorities utilized the rationing of food and the restriction of movement to enforce compliance.It is the fear of all tyrants to face a "Popular Uprising" by which those engaged have the support of the people.